Frequently asked questions about holiday in Beaumes De Venise
Where is Beaumes de Venise located?

Beaumes de Venise is located in the Provence region of France, about 40km northwest of Avignon.

What kind of holiday homes are available in the city?

Beaumes de Venise offers a variety of holiday homes, including self-catering apartments, villas, and chalets.

Are there any restaurants in the city?

Yes, there are a variety of restaurants in Beaumes de Venise, offering both local and international cuisines.

Is it easy to get around Beaumes de Venise?

Yes, Beaumes de Venise is easy to navigate and most attractions are within walking distance.

Is there public transport available in the city?

Yes, there is public transport available in Beaumes de Venise, with regular bus and train services.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020