Frequently asked questions about holiday in Blanes
What activities are available for visitors staying in Blanes?

Visitors to Blanes can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, biking and windsurfing in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as exploring nearby attractions such as the Marimurtra Botanic Gardens and the Santa Cristina Hermitage. 

What is the best time to visit Blanes?

The best time to visit Blanes is during the months of April to October, when the weather is the warmest and driest. 

Are there any nearby beaches to visit?

Yes, there are numerous beaches in the Blanes area, including Cala Bona, Playa de San Francesc and Platja de Fenals.

Are there any cultural activities to enjoy in Blanes?

There are a variety of cultural activities to enjoy in Blanes, such as attending the local festivals, visiting the local museums, or attending the weekly market.

Are there any holiday homes available for rent in Blanes?

Yes, there are a variety of holiday homes available in Blanes, Spain from apartments to villas.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020