Holiday rental FAQs in Ibiza, Spanien
When is the best time to book a holiday home in Ibiza, Spanien?

Visit Ibiza, and Spanien during May and October to avail attractive deals on holiday homes.

What are the best transport options for exploring Ibiza, Spanien?

Hire a car or bike to explore the island or use taxis and buses for shorter distances.

What types of accommodation are available for rent in Ibiza, Spanien via Belvilla?

Belvilla offers a range of holiday homes including cottages for rent, pet-friendly homes, and homes with swimming pools located by the sea or in a park.

What activities can one enjoy in Ibiza, Spanien?

Explore the island's beautiful beaches, visit historical sites, and indulge in water sports and nightlife.

What is the local cuisine like in Ibiza, Spanien?

Enjoy fresh seafood and traditional Spanish dishes such as paella and tapas at local restaurants

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020