Frequently asked questions about holiday in Sant Pere Pescador
What type of activities are there to do around Sant Pere Pescador?

There are many activities available in and around Sant Pere Pescador to enjoy, including swimming and water sports in the Mediterranean Sea, exploring various nature reserves and historic sites, golf, cycling, and horse riding. 

What types of accommodation are available in the area?

There is a range of accommodation available in Sant Pere Pescador, including hotels, apartments, villas, and holiday homes. 

Are there any restaurants or bars in the area?

Yes, there are many restaurants, cafes, and bars in the area offering a variety of local and international cuisine. 

What is the cost of living in Sant Pere Pescador?

The cost of living in Sant Pere Pescador is generally quite low compared to many other places in Spain. 


Are there any medical facilities in the area?

Yes, there are several medical facilities in the area, including pharmacies, clinics, and hospitals.

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Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020